
Organizations that advance or are in concert with the purposes of the State Onsite Regulators Association (SORA) are eligible for membership. SORA’s mission is to advance the field of knowledge and practice of those who regulate onsite wastewater programs by increasing awareness of the latest technologies, research, environmental health issues, and new federal initiatives that affect the decentralized wastewater industry.

Three types of membership are available: Voting Full Member, Non-Voting Full Member, and Non-Voting Affiliate Member.

Become a SORA member


David Cotton, (MI)




State, tribal and provincial agency personnel that are directly responsible, as defined above, for permitting and/or oversight of decentralized and onsite wastewater treatment systems are eligible as Voting Full Members.

Membership and Dues

Each person enrolling as a Voting Full Member or Non-Voting Full Member shall pay the annual dues established in the Dues Policy. Dues must be current to maintain the rights and privileges of membership.

Individuals (not part of a membership listed below)         $50

State agencies with up to 5 members                                        $150

State agencies with up to 10 members                                     $250

State agencies with more than 10 members         $20 per person

Rights and Privileges of Membership

Voting Full Members shall have the following rights and privileges:

  1. speak and be heard;
  2. attend all general and Special Meetings and Conferences;
  3. vote in both general and Special Meetings;
  4. serve on committees as members or chairpersons;
  5. elect members to the Board;
  6. eligible for election to serve on the Board; and
  7. access and use Member List-serv.



County, regional, local health or other governmental agency personnel that are directly responsible for permitting and oversight of decentralized and onsite wastewater treatment systems are eligible as Non-Voting Full Members. If a conflict arises as to the eligibility of a Non-Voting Full Member, the Board shall make the final determination with a simple majority vote.

Membership and Dues
Each person enrolling as a Voting Full Member or Non-Voting Full Member shall pay the annual dues established in the Dues Policy. Dues must be current to maintain the rights and privileges of membership.

Individuals (not part of a membership listed below) $50

Agencies with up to 5 members                                        $150

Agencies with up to 10 members                                     $250

Agencies with more than 10 members         $20 per person

Rights and Privileges of Membership

Non-Voting Full Members shall have the rights and privileges:

  1. speak and be heard;
  2. attend all general and Special Meetings and Conferences;
  3. serve on Ad Hoc committees at the request of the Board and vote on matters that are before the committee in meetings; and
  4. access (read only) of the Member List-serv.

Non-Voting Full Members cannot vote in either general or Special Meetings of SORA, cannot serve on the Board, cannot hold a chairpersonship or serve on a Standing committee.



Any business, government agency, educational institution, non-profit or other organization that has an interest in the permitting and oversight of decentralized and onsite wastewater treatment systems, former Full Member, or any retired individual no longer affiliated with these entities is eligible to be a Non-Voting Affiliate Member. Such organizations specifically include, but are not limited to:

  • EPA
  • Captains of Industry
  • Indian Health Service
  • Public Utilities or Management Entities
  • EPA Decentralized Wastewater MOU Partners
  • National Environmental Services Center
  • Other groups the Board may deem appropriate

Non-Voting Affiliate Members, excepting retired or former Full Members, may designate one (1) of their employees to be their Delegate to represent the views of their organization at the SORA annual business meeting or conference. However, this is not intended to limit the number of employees that each Non-Voting Affiliate Member may send to SORA meetings.

Applicants wishing to be considered Non-Voting Affiliate Members shall submit an application to the Board for consideration. Non-Voting Affiliate Members shall be admitted by no less than a simple majority vote of the Board.

Membership and Dues

Each organization (not person) enrolling as a Non-Voting Affiliate Member shall pay the required enrollment dues established in the Dues Policy. Once a Non-Voting Affiliate Member is enrolled, the Non-Voting Affiliate Member shall pay the annual dues established in the Dues Policy. Dues must be current to maintain the rights and privileges of membership.

Non-Voting Affiliate Members (COI Members)         $1,000

Non-Voting Retired Members                                        $25

Rights and Privileges of Membership

Non-Voting Affiliate Members shall have the rights and privileges:

  1. speak and be heard;
  2. attend all Conferences; and
  3. serve on committees at the request of the Board and vote on matters that are before the committee in meetings.

These privileges shall be subject to the following exceptions: Non-Voting Affiliate Members and their delegates cannot vote unless so requested by the Board. Non-Voting Affiliate Members cannot hold a chairpersonship of a committee unless the committee is comprised solely of other Non-Voting Affiliate Members.

If you need an invoice to become a member of SORA, please contact Executive Director Eric Casey at or 571-242-2571. If no invoice is required, please mail a check or money order and business card to:


State Onsite Regulators Association

Attn: Eric Casey

2212 E. Grace St.

Richmond, VA 23223