SORA Board

SORA Board of Directors 2023

Revised 12/30/2022

Representative Area Representative Member 3 yr. Term Expiration
Region 1 Amanda Clark (CT) 2024
Region 2 Stephen Marshall (NY) 2025
Region 3 Travis Sterner (MD) 2024
Region 4 Chris Edwards (KY) 2025
Region 5 Mike Mettler (IN) 2023
Region 6 Nick Huber (OK) 2024
Region 7 Eric Folks (MO) 2025
Region 8 Chuck Cousino (CO) 2024
Region 9 Michael Broussard (NM) 2024
Region 10 Jeremy Simmons (WA) 2023
Canada Derek Smith (Manitoba) 2023
Tribal Michael Bolt (NC Cherokee) 2023
At large Marcia Degen (VA) 2025

Officers (1 Year Term Expiration)

President Travis Sterner (MD) 2023
President Elect Chuck Cousino (CO) 2023
Past President Marcia Degen (VA)) 2023
Secretary Vacant 2023
Treasurer Michael Broussard (NM) 2023

Standing Committees (5-Member, 2 Year Term, elected by Board)

  • Strategic Planning Chair, Travis Sterner (MD), Joe Soulia (COI-Orenco), Mary Clark (RET)
  • Conference Planning Chair, Chuck Cousino (CO), Mike Mettler (IN), Jim King (Eljen), Sheryl Ervin (COI-Infiltrator Systems), Dick Bachelder (COI-Infiltrator Systems), Jeanne Allen (Presby)
  • Membership   Co-Chair, Dave Cotton (MI), Dick Bachelder (COI-Infiltrator), Denise Wright (IN),

Ad Hoc, (Indefinite term):

  • Captains of Industry (COI) Dick Bachelder (Infiltrator), Mike Mettler (Board Rep), all other COI members 
  • Retirees (Chair) Mary Clark, Ed Corriveau, Barb Dallemand
  • Policy (Chair) Chuck Cousino (CO), Amanda Clark (CT), Mike Mettler (IN), Dick Bachelder (COI-Infiltrator), Marie Christine Belanger (Premier Tech Aqua), Duncan Welch (MS), Marcia Degen (VA)

BYLAW References For Board, Committees, and Meetings.

Updated: 10/27/16

4.1 COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD. The Board shall be comprised of not less than ten (10) or more that fifteen (15) Voting Full Members with the following composition:

  1. One (1) Voting Full Member from each of the ten (10) EPA regions. These Board Members shall be elected during the annual business meeting by a simple majority of the Voting Full Members present from his/her EPA region.
  2. One (1) Voting Full Member from a Canadian Province. This Board Member shall be elected during the annual business meeting by a simple majority of the Voting Full Members present from Canada.
  3. One (1) Voting Full Member from a Tribal Nation. This Board Member shall be elected during the annual business meeting by a simple majority of the Voting Full Members present who represent Tribal Nations.
  4. Minimum of one (1), maximum of three (3), Voting Full Member (s) at-large. One (1) at large shall be elected during the annual business meeting by a simple majority of all Voting Full Members present. The Board may appoint an additional two (2) at large Board members to act as Secretary or Treasurer, if needed.
    When a vacancy cannot be filled utilizing the above-described composition, it may be filled with a Voting Full Member at-large by a simple majority of all Voting Full Members present.

All elected Board members shall serve a term of three (3) years. All terms of office shall begin with the adjournment of the Annual Business Meeting following election and shall end with the adjournment of the Annual Business Meeting at which a successor has been duly elected. If at the close of any term of office a successor has not been elected, then the term shall be extended until a successor has been elected.
If a Board member vacates his/her seat before their term is over, the Board may call a Special Meeting to appoint an interim Board member.

4.3 OFFICERS OF SORA. Officers of SORA shall be a President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Board shall elect a President and President-Elect from current members of the Board by a simple majority of the vote at the conclusion of the Business Meeting. Elections for President and President-Elect shall be held when vacancies occur. Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board from the Full Voting membership.

    1. President. The President shall serve a term of one (1) year or the remaining length of his/her term as a Board member, whichever is shorter. The President shall
      1. Act as chief administrator of SORA
      2. Preside at all Board meetings
      3. Be responsible for establishing meeting agendas
      4. Carry out policies set by the Board
      5. Report to the Board on a regular basis concerning operations of
      6. Works with the treasurer to oversee SORA finances and budget
      7. Maintaining effective communication
      8. Implement the decisions of the Board
      9. Have authority to enter into contractual agreements as directed by
        the Board
    2. President-Elect. The President-Elect shall serve a term of one (1) year as President-Elect and then shall automatically succeed to the Presidency and serve a term of one (1) year as the President. The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President when the President is unable to act, and shall succeed the President in the event of the resignation, disability or other permanent termination of the President.
    3. Past President. The immediate Past-President shall act as Parliamentarian for all SORA meetings. The immediate Past-President shall also perform any other duties as may be assigned by the President.
    4. Secretary. The Secretary shall conduct SORA business in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws and shall perform such duties as may be directed by the President or the Board. The Secretary shall:
      1. Conduct correspondence on behalf of the SORA and maintain records of such correspondence
      2. Maintain records including minutes of meetings, official ballots, records of voting processes and procedures
      3. Give proper notice of proposed amendments to these bylaws as set forth in Section 8.5 of these bylaws entitled “Amendments”
      4. Maintain a copy of these bylaws
      5. Perform other duties that may be included in a published SORA
        operations manual or similar document
      6. Term of office shall be for two years from date of appointment
    5. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall conduct SORA business in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws and shall perform such duties as may be directed by the President or Board. The Board may require the Treasurer to give such security as it may direct for the faithful performance of his or her duties. The Treasurer shall deliver to his or her successor all books, monies, and other property of SORA in his or her possession. The Treasurer shall:
      1. Serve as custodian of all SORA funds and property
      2. Keep a strict accounting of all receipts and expenditures
      3. Provide a Treasurer’s report as requested by the President or Board
      4. Receive all monies due to SORA from whatever source
      5. Pay expenditures as authorized by the Board or the President and
        are within appropriated budget balances
      6. Deposit all SORA funds and securities in suitable checking and /or
        savings accounts protected by the FDIC or FSLIC
      7. Coordinate all of SORA’s financial reports required by external
      8. Prepare and recommend to the Board of directors an annual budget
        for SORA for each fiscal year
      9. Other duties may be included in a published SORA operations
        manual or similar document
      10. Term of office shall be for two years from date of appointment

4.4 ATTENDANCE. Board members are required to attend the SORA Conference and any other meetings that require SORA participation. If a Board member is unable to attend or participate in a Board meeting, the Board member shall notify the President as far in advance as

possible with the name of his/her temporary replacement. Such temporary replacement shall be briefed to the extent possible regarding issues under consideration. The temporary replacement shall be a Full Member and have full voting rights and privileges.
Should a Board member be absent from three (3) consecutive Board meetings or unavailable for conference calls, a majority of the voting members of the Board may interpret such absences as resignation. The President shall inform the absent Board member of the Board’s action in writing.

4.5 VOTING. Each Board member shall have the right to cast one (1) vote on matters brought before the Board. Unless indicated otherwise in these bylaws, all Board decisions shall be by a simple majority vote of Board members present at the Board meeting. In the case of a tie vote, the President shall cast the deciding vote.

4.6 RESPONSIBILITIES. The Board shall be the policy-making body of SORA. The Board shall:

  1. provide organization direction and leadership for SORA;
  2. have the authority to designate individual Board members to represent SORA to
    those outside of SORA;
  3. authorize requests for proposals from members to meet current priorities;
  4. authorize creation of standing committees;
  5. review and approve procedures;
  6. review and approve recommendations of SORA committees;
  7. have the power to conduct the business of SORA except that which is retained by
    the membership as provided by these bylaws;
  8. be responsible for reviewing the bylaws and submitting amendments to the
  9. be represented on each standing committee, as provided in 7.1;
  10. establish and maintain a SORA operations manual which shall include, at a
    minimum, a dues policy and funds handling policy;
  11. review and approve a strategic plan submitted by the Strategic Planning
    Committee every five (5) years or as deemed necessary by the Board;
  12. provide a quarterly report of Board activities to each region consisting, in part, of
    content solicited from members of the region that each Board member represents;
  13. Appoint ad hoc committees; and
  14. Approve an annual budget by December 31 of each year.
  15. The fiscal year of SORA shall begin on January 1 of each year and shall end on
    December 31 of each year.

The President and various SORA committees derived from SORA’s membership shall be utilized as necessary to meet these and other responsibilities.

4.7 RESIGNATION. A Board member may resign by submitting a written notification to the President.

4.8 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. No Board member shall cast a vote, nor take part in the final deliberation in any matter in which he or she, members of his or her immediate family or any organization to which such director has allegiance, has a personal interest that may be seen as competing or conflicting with the interest of SORA. If a conflict arises, the Board member shall disclose the conflict and recuse them self from the deliberation, consideration and voting on the matter.

7.1 QUORUM. A quorum shall be required for any vote.

  1. Board Meetings and Special Meetings. For Board Meetings, the attendance of a simple majority of Board Members shall constitute a quorum.
  2. Business Meetings. For a Business Meeting, Voting Full Members in attendance shall constitute a quorum.
  3. Committee Meetings. For Committee Meetings, the attendance of a simple majority of Committee Members shall constitute a quorum.

7.2 ALTERNATIVE VOTING FORUM. In the event that specific items of SORA business require a vote of the Board and/or Voting Full Members and it is impractical to convene a real time meeting, the President may poll members by a format deemed appropriate. The request for a vote shall be issued no later than ten (10) working days before the response deadline. In that event, binding action of SORA shall be taken by a majority of the votes received on or before the response deadline established by the President. Results of any vote shall be confirmed in the Minutes of the next Board meeting of SORA except that the President shall keep confidential how any individual Member voted.

7.3 PASSAGE. Passage of motions properly brought before SORA shall be determined by a simple majority, unless otherwise provided in these bylaws.